EVN wine laboratory conducts quality wine assessments
Since 2017 EVN Wine laboratory has been conducting wine quality assessments for the wineries and wine producers in Armenia, who value the high quality of the produced wine. The head of the laboratory CSc. Mikayel Mikayelyan and his assistant Agnessa Samvelyan closely work with the wine producers providing them with accurate analytical data. We are glad that the number of winemaking companies and individuals is increasing year by year and the laboratory has its investment in the development of this sector. Laboratory is constantly acquiring and applying new methods and equipment, which allow to conduct the analysis more efficiently saving scarce resources and time. Recently, the laboratory collaborating with GIZ-Armenia acquired and installed new equipment for clean water, which application in the branch laboratories is quite rare.
Laboratory is armed with HPLC analytical system (High Performance Liquid Chromatography), which help the experts conduct the analysis more efficiently and get accurate data.
Apart from the industry analytical services, EVN Laboratory is a unique research and educational institution too.
EVN Wine Academy students pass the practical modules of Wine Chemistry subject right in the laboratory and happily, most of the students get job in laboratories of this branch. In the end, our laboratory is happy to work with all wine producers and support the industry development.