RECOSET – Research Network on Cooperative and Social Enterprises in Transition Contexts

Project Completed: August 2010 – August 2012
Coordinator: Euricse
Partners: EMES, Belgium; University of Trento; Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade – Institute for Sociological Research (Serbia); ICARE (Armenia); ORACUL (Belarus); SESPS (Ukraine).

RECOSET aimed at stimulating the creation of a network of research centers that are committed to studying cooperative and social enterprises in European (EU)/Associated (AC) and Third Countries (TC). RECOSET was financed by the European Commission in the context of the International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) of the Seventh Framework Programme. RECOSET supported the exchange of staff members and researchers (both early-stage and experienced) devoted to study the rationale and potential of these institutions. As for TCs, the main goal is to give researchers the opportunity to benefit from the theoretical and empirical knowledge that has been so far accumulated by the EU/AC research centers involved.
Coordinator: Euricse
Partners: EMES, Belgium; University of Trento; Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade – Institute for Sociological Research (Serbia); ICARE (Armenia); ORACUL (Belarus); SESPS (Ukraine).