Pre-Study on value chains in Aragatsotn and Shirak Marzes
Project Completed: October 2017- November 2017
Funding Organization: Swedish Public Employment Service
The purpose of the assignment is to investigate economic development opportunities in Aragatsotn and Shirak regions and assess the skills that migrants and potential migrants in the regions should possess to successfully get involved in the labor market in their region and in Armenia in general.
In the scope of the project, a questionnaire was developed for in-depth interviews, enumerator training was conducted. A total of 40 in-depth interviews were conducted in the above mentioned 2 regions.
Within the scope of the project agricultural and tourism sectors prospective value chains were mapped and recommendations on activities and infrastructure development necessary for closing the chain were provided. The framework of the online platform to evaluate the possible business opportunities was developed and handed to State Employment Services of the RA.