Implementation of AGRISurvey in Armenia
Period of performance: October 2018 – April 2020
Funding Organization: Food and Agricultural Organization
The main objective of the project is to provide support to strengthen national statistical institutions and to improve the competencies of national statisticians in collecting, analyzing and disseminating data related to agriculture. In the scope of the project, the following activities were carried out:
- Development of inception, quarterly and annual questionnaires on the production of agricultural holdings based on the current annual questionnaires used in Armenia and the agricultural census questionnaires, AGRIS generic Core module questionnaire, and data needed for priority SDG indicators.
- Development of manuals for the new questionnaires (quarterly and annual): based on the definitions used already for the agricultural census and existing agricultural survey, and taking into consideration the AGRIS definitions harmonized with International Classifications.
- Organization and conducting training of Trainers on Survey Solutions (SuSo), inception, a quarterly and annual questionnaire
Organization and conducting training for 130 participants (enumerators and supervisors) from Armavir, Kotayk, Tavush and Shirak region on AGRIS Armenia Inception, quarterly and annual questionnaires.